One of the easiest and most impactful ways to welcome refugees to your community is to pull together your networks and social groups through a fundraiser. Now more than ever, individual private support is crucial to the work we do in resettling refugee families and our work with the immigrant community. Raising funds through group efforts with your friends and family is a great help as we head into uncertain times, and 100% of what you raise will stay right here in San Diego to support our local community.



We encourage you to use the IRC in San Diego Crowdrise page(opens in a new window), which allows you to fundraise directly for local resettlement by harnessing your passion, whatever it may be.


Past examples of fundraisers organized by individuals or groups include:

If you prefer not to use our Crowdrise page, please let us know so we can work with you on other options to ensure all gifts are tax-deductible and will support local resettlement. You can even request to have a speaker and/or video from the IRC to and present at your fundraiser. Contact Laurel Dalsted at sends email) for specifics regarding this.

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