As our community is now well into quarantine conditions due to COVID-19, the IRC in NY has adapted many programs to continue offering robust services and supports for the clients, young and old, we serve every day. Check out a few highlights below and find out how to help!
Resettlement & Casework
IRC staff members are still hard at work and in close contact with families adjusting to both life in NYC and life in quarantine. Housing, resources, and food access are all being coordinated virtually by an incredibly dedicated team of caseworkers determined to give clients all the support they need to weather this storm and beyond.
Economic Empowerment
Staff are launching online workshops for job readiness to continue client skill development while pursuing safe employment options in New York. Volunteers have been assisting with job counseling and career development conversations on the phone. IRC staff have also pushed full steam ahead with tax assistance to ensure clients are well positioned for federal stimulus access.
New Roots continues to grow seedlings in the greenhouse to plant for the growing season and will be launching an online workshop series as we all become windowsill gardeners, so stay tuned!
Education & Learning
As students across the city continue to adapt to online learning, IRC has continued tutoring virtually with volunteers. Teen wellness groups, hosted with IRC’s partner Cornerstone Counseling, have relaunched with a focus on stress management and coping. IRC staff are still enrolling new arrivals in school and college preparedness is still underway!
For adults, IRC has launched Zoom ESL classes and WhatsApp groups for English language learners. Volunteer ESL teachers help support these programs and make them as adaptable and accessible as possible for both housebound and working clients.
Consultations by phone continue to go on as naturalization, work permits and family reunification petitions are filed. Our Immigration Coordinator received her DOJ accreditation, which is a huge help in streamlining application submissions, so big congratulations to her!
Emergency Response
IRC has launched new partnerships, including collaborations with World Central Kitchen, to counter food insecurity for IRC families. We’ve begun food deliveries to housebound families. The IRC’s Emergency Fund is in action for housing assistance, acute medical needs, food access, and clothing for clients in need.
How to help:
- Donate to our Emergency Fund to empower caseworkers to quickly address client needs
- Join our volunteer interpreter list
- Join IRC’s story time initiative!
- Making masks you’d like to donate? Let us know!
- In New York and looking to volunteer? Ask about our food delivery and food access volunteer opportunities
Interested in the above? Email for more information!