Earlier this year the IRC launched the Pathways to Careers in Resettlement, Asylum, and Integration Scholarship Opportunity, as a new resource to diversify and enhance the talent pipeline, specifically targeting RAI-US internships. The scholarship’s main objective is to promote career paths in humanitarian work for BIPOC and/or immigrant populations and further our commitment to a diverse and inclusive internship experience. 

We're proud to announce that one of LA's interns, Ashley Mossaad, was selected as one the scholarship recipients! We're incredibly grateful for the hard work of Ashley and all our dedicated interns here at the IRC-LA.

Personal Bio:

IRC-LA Integration intern, Ashley Mossaad.

Ashley is an undergraduate student at the University of California, San Diego graduating with a B.A in Political Science with a concentration in American Politics and a minor in Psychology in the Fall of 2022. She is currently a member of the Political Science Honor Society (Pi Sigma Alpha), Secretary of the San Diego chapter for Unheard Cries and a board member for her Coptic Orthodox fellowship club. She also is an Undergraduate Research Assistant at the Center on Global Justice at UCSD which focuses on interdisciplinary research on poverty and global development, with an emphasis on collective action at a local scale.

Internship Experience:

While being an Integration intern for the IRC-LA, Ashley has been a co-instructor for citizenship classes and has participated in the creation of updated class material and presentations. During her internship thus far, she has found teaching to be a humbling and rewarding experience, as she has been able to become an integral part in her students' citizenship journeys. Being a daughter of immigrants who had undergone the process of citizenship without much support, she feels a sense of fulfillment to be able to help others feel prepared and secure for their interview and tests. She also has enjoyed learning about USCIS in depth and has been further inspired to pursue a career path in asylum and refugee resettlement, migration, and integration.

Scholarship Award: 

She plans to utilize her scholarship towards a graduate program; whether it be a Master’s Program in Public Policy or Law School with a specialization in Immigration Law.

Internship Opportunities at the IRC-LA:

The IRC-LA offers internships in all of our programs - Resettlement, Immigration, Unaccompanied Children, Integration, Financial Coaching, Center for Economic Opportunity, ESL and Community Relations. You can read more about the position descriptions and application process on our volunteer opportunities page.

If you are interested in learning more or applying for internships at the IRC in Los Angeles, please sign up for an information session here. For any questions, contact Carly Boos at carly.boos@rescue.org