Co-sponsorship defined:

Co-Sponsorship is a way a community group can provide most of the reception and placement services to a refugee family case. IRC will introduce the group to the refugee family and facilitate the agreement signing between Co-Sponsor and the family. The Afghan Community Coordinator will then facilitate any conversations and provide support through feedback and regular check-ins as you come alongside the refugee family on their journey towards integration. The Afghan Community Coordinator will work with the Co-Sponsor group to define the level of involvement of the group, core services that the group will deliver and the rights and responsibilities of both the family and the Co-Sponsor group.

Becoming a Co-Sponsor takes a few simple steps:

-Each group member submits a volunteer application to the IRC office in Turlock, Ca.

-All team members are background checked before working with clients.

-Group representatives sign a Co-Sponsorship agreement with IRC and go over the services that will be provided.

Perks of being a Co-Sponsor

Volunteer hours look great on a college or work application. Volunteer hours show you’ve made a commitment where you will gain a set of skills in leadership, problem solving and time management skills.


-Provides you with a sense of purpose.

-Increases your social skills

-Improves self-esteem

-Teaches you valuable skills

-Provides job prospect

-Provides a sense of community.

If you’re looking for a way to connect with refugee families and partake in making a difference in peoples lives, you’re at the right place.

To learn more about Co-Sponsorship with IRC Turlock, Ca please contact the Afghan Community Coordinator at:

Mina Anwar

Afghan Community Coordinator
