Newly arrived family gathers in their living room.
Newly arrived family gathers in their living room.

A co-sponsor advances the role of communities in the protection, resettlement, and integration of refugees and other vulnerable populations. As a co-sponsor group, local community members commit to providing, in a non-legally binding agreement, clearly defined financial and in-kind contributions and the majority of core services to support a refugee’s welcome and integration in partnership with IRC. As a result, the quality of life for refugee families is immeasurably enhanced.

How Do I Become a Co-Sponsor in Denver?




IRC facilitates two co-sponsor group-specific trainings with detailed instructions and guidance on the cultural dynamics, program requirements, documentation, core-service details and delivery, and practice for conflict transformation. These trainings are offered based on the time availability of the group.

Connect with Refugees

The Co-Sponsor Group is ready to connect with a refugee family. IRC introduces the group to the refugee family and facilitates the agreement signing between the Co-Sponsor and the family. IRC will facilitate conversations and provide support through feedback and regular check-ins as you come alongside the refugee family on their journey towards integration. IRC will closely work with the co-sponsor group to define the level of involvement of the group, core services that the group will deliver, and the rights and responsibilities of both the family and the co-sponsor group.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Community Sponsorship Contacts

Homayoon Milad, Community Engagment Manager sends email), (303) 335-8922