The 2020 Census has officially started! Every 10 years, the US counts everyone in the country, regardless of immigration status. When certain segments of communities are undercounted, the entire community misses out on public resources and civic representation. That’s why the IRC in Kansas is becoming engaged with the census.
We are focusing on ensuring that the refugee and immigrant community in south central Kansas gets counted.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, some of our plans have changed but we are still spreading the word and making sure the importance of the census is known.
We are working with local businesses that are still open to get the word out and engaging employers of our families and individuals to remind their staff to fill out the census. Our programs that are able to work remotely, like English Language instruction and Youth Mentoring, are using their contacts in families to make sure that the national form is submitted.
As a reminder, the census can be filled out online: https://my2020census.gov/
Or by mail: once you receive the paper form
Or on the phone: Call 844-330-2020 for English or use one of the toll-free language lines listed below:
Spanish 844-468-2020
Chinese (Mandarin) 844-391-2020
Chinese (Cantonese) 844-398-2020
Vietnamese 844-461-2020
Korean 844-392-2020
Russian 844-417-2020
Arabic 844-416-2020
Tagalog 844-478-2020
Polish 844-479-2020
French 844-494-2020
Haitian Creole 844-477-2020
Portuguese 844-474-2020
Japanese 844-460-2020
English (Puerto Rico residents) 844-418-2020
Spanish (Puerto Rico residents) 844-426-2020
Telephone Display Device (TDD) 844-467-2020