On 4/11/23 Title HB 23-1117 passed. Here, Colorado State Advocacy Officer Victoria Francis, and Legal Services Director Wesley Brockway explain the impact on IRC's Coloradan clients. 

On April 11, Governor Jared Polis signed into law HB23-1117, which creates equity in Coloradans’ ability to execute an affidavit of support for the purpose of sponsoring a friend or family member to come to the U.S. Under current state law, lawfully permanent residents (also known as green card holders) who access public benefits are prohibited from executing an affidavit of support, while Coloradans who are U.S. citizens are not.  

“HB23-1117 will create equity between our newcomer community and U.S. citizens. It helps to create a Colorado for all, where we all have the chance to build full lives that include the opportunity to reunite with loved ones,”

explained Victoria Francis, Colorado State Advocacy Officer at the IRC in Denver, during her  testimony on 2/8 before the House Committee on Public and Behavioral Health and Human Services.      

For the IRC in Denver, this bill is significant because of it's impact on clients, who, like many Coloradans, may access public benefits to care for their families during difficult times; and, like others living in the state, are eager to build full lives which often includes pursuing family reunification.   

"I have been working with an elderly client who is, unfortunately, dealing with a very severe kidney disease that requires intense medical care. For years, said client has not been able to consider sponsoring his family members in order to have them eventually join him here due to the threat of losing his very own and much-needed benefits,"

explained Wes Brockway, Legal Services Director at the IRC in Denver.

"This client, just as many other refugees, can simply not risk losing his public benefits such as Medicare or Medicaid services, Old Age pension, and other valuable programs, even if that means living without the support of his friends and family."  

The passage of HB23-1117 helps to create a Colorado where all residents are treated equally, regardless of their immigration status, and are given a chance to be reunited with family members or friends.

The IRC in Denver celebrates the passing of HB 23-1117 as one step toward equality and thanks the prime sponsors of the bill, Representative Iman Jodeh, Representative Lorena Garcia, Senator Julie Gonzales, and Senator Nick Hinrichsen.