A message from our Executive Director, Justin Howell:

As we reach the midpoint of a historic year in refugee resettlement and humanitarian aid, I'm reaching out to express my sincere gratitude for your steadfast support of our mission. 

Reflecting on Milestones

Let's take a moment to reflect on what we've accomplished together. From our bold response to the COVID-19 pandemic to our leading role in the evacuation of Afghan allies, and now, the monumental task of welcoming over 1,000 individuals this year alone. These achievements underscore the impact of our collective efforts and your unwavering support.

A Monumental Achievement: On Track to Welcome 1,500 Individuals

In the coming weeks, we anticipate welcoming our 30,000th refugee arrival—a testament to Georgia's commitment to fostering a beloved community that reflects—and celebrates—our common humanity, inspired by Dr. King’s vision. This milestone is not just a number but a symbol of hope and resilience for those seeking refuge from conflict and persecution. With over 1,000 arrivals already this year, we're on track to welcome over 1,500 individuals by the end of September, marking the largest number of arrivals in any given year since the IRC in Atlanta was founded in 1979.

Challenges and Responsibilities

However, with these accomplishments come challenges. The increasing number of asylum-seeking families arriving in Georgia necessitates our urgent response. This year, we've worked tirelessly with partner organizations to provide essential services, ensuring that every individual and family receives the support they need to rebuild their lives with dignity.

Your Vital Support

Your support is crucial now more than ever. Whether you've already contributed this year or are considering a donation, your generosity enables us to meet the growing needs of our community and ensure that no family is left behind in their journey to safety and stability.

DONATE HERE: Double My Impact

Safe Transportation for All

Our current priority is ensuring safe and reliable transportation for our staff and clients. The increase in arrivals has stretched our resources, requiring additional vehicles to facilitate countless trips to the airport, doctor’s offices, schools, and places of employment throughout metro Atlanta. Your donation today can help us acquire two much-needed 15-passenger vans, doubling our capacity to serve our new American neighbors.

Matching Opportunity

We need to raise $50,000 by the end of June, and a generous community member has committed to matching all donations up to $25,000 to help us reach our goal. That means your gift will be doubled, dollar for dollar, when you give to the IRC in Atlanta in June!

Act Now: Double Your Impact

As we approach World Refugee Day later this month, I urge you to join us in supporting refugees and asylum-seekers by donating today. Together, we can ensure that every individual and family receive the assistance they need to thrive in their new home.

Once again, I extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering solidarity and support. Your commitment to our mission is truly inspiring and makes all the difference in the lives of those we serve.

DONATE HERE: Double My Impact

Thank you—as always—for your continued support.

In solidarity, 

Justin Howell,

Executive Director