What is World Refugee Day? 

Each year on June 20th, the world celebrates World Refugee Day. This day honors those forced to flee their homes and courageously resettle in new lands. World Refugee Day is marked by a variety of events in many countries around the globe in support of refugees. These activities are led by or involve refugees themselves, government officials, host communities, companies, celebrities, school children, and the general public, among others.

What is the San Jose office doing to celebrate?

Locally, we are partnering with our peer organizations for a World Refugee Day celebration aimed at celebrating the San José metro area’s rich cultural diversity and proud history of welcoming immigrants and refugees on June 14th at Campbell Community Center from 5 PM to 7 PM. Entertainers from a broad range of refugee communities will perform and attendees will be invited to learn and explore elements of these cultural traditions. Additionally, to further demonstrate San Jose's welcoming spirit, the IRC in San Jose is seeking community support for our 2024 World Refugee Day Donation Drive for kitchen supplies to help our new neighbors feel at home in their new homes!


2024 World Refugee Day Donation Drive

We have set an ambitious goal of collecting sufficient kitchen supplies for the next 25 families joining our community! Please keep reading to learn more about which items we are seeking and how you can participate.


Why should I donate?

The United States Refugee Admissions Program provides each refugee arriving in the United States with just $1,325 to assist with their resettlement. This one-time stipend is the same amount, regardless of where in the United States refugees are resettled, and it is insufficient to support those facing the high cost of living in San Jose. San Jose boasts ample employment and education opportunities in a diverse and welcoming community, making it an ideal area for resettlement. With community support, refugees joining our community can thrive, and this journey begins with meeting their basic needs.

How do I participate?

  1. You can view our wish list hereClean, gently used items in ready-to-use condition are welcome unless otherwise noted.
  2. You may drop off any items you wish to donate on Fridays from 9 AM to 1 PM at our office located at 1210 S. Bascom Ave, Suite 227, San Jose, CA 95128. If this time does not work for you, please email us at DonateSJ@rescue.org to arrange an alternate drop-off time.
  3. You may ship your donation to us. Please send packages to: IRC's 2024 WRD Donation Drive, 1210 S. Bascom Ave, Suite 227, San Jose, CA 95128.


When do you want my donation?

This donation drive is active from June 1st, 2024 to July 1st, 2024, though, donations are welcome year-round.


Is my donation tax-deductible?

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, donations can be tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. We provide a donation receipt for all donations given to the IRC in San Jose, including in-kind donations; however, we cannot place a value on the items you donate. Please keep your purchase receipt if you purchase any new items for donation that you wish to deduct. We suggest you consult your tax professional for more information about charitable deductions if you need it.