We develop ground-breaking solutions to the world's toughest problems

Our research and innovation work is driven by the IRC's own Airbel Impact Lab, a team that designs, tests and scales life-changing products and serves to solve the challenges people face in crisis-affected communities. Whether it's education, nutrition, climate resilience, women's health or economic effectiveness, we create solutions as big as the problems.

A smiling man pours water from a hose at his farm in Nigeria.

We deliver long-lasting impact

34.5 million

people reached with life saving services.

The IRC is dedicated to meeting the needs of crisis-affected communities where they're needed most.

See our work in action.

2.5 million

children and women screened for malnutrition.

The IRC treats children experiencing acute malnutrition in 21 countries. Scaling up our approach and delivering these simplified, proven solutions will save lives.

Meet an IRC doctor battling child malnutrition in Sudan.

1.6 million

people reached with cash assistance.

Giving cash directly to people in need of humanitarian aid empowers them to determine and meet their most pressing needs, boosting the effectiveness of the response.

Learn how the IRC is changing lives through cash assistance.

With direct programming in over 40 countries and partnerships in 7 additional countries, we deliver long lasting impact in the toughest places on Earth. Our teams provide protection and health care, help children recover from trauma and learn, empower individuals and strengthen communities—always with a focus on the unique needs of women and girls.

I went to the [IRC-supported] hospital and was provided with [medication], vitamins, and Plumpy'nut, which helped reduce the incessant fever she was experiencing. It has cured the fever and helped with vitamins and nutrition she was lacking. She is feeling well now."
—Nasteho Ali Ahmed, in Somalia

Nasteho and her family sit together on the floor of their home in Somalia.
Nasteho is a mother of three children whose daughter received medical care and nutrition assistance at the IRC-supported hospital in Dhusamareb, Somalia. She and her family became displaced because they lacked access to food, water and adequate shelter.

We were so happy when we learned [the IRC] would give us warmth. The joy was indescribable because warmth in winter, you can't convey it...We were so happy, just endlessly grateful for this, infinitely.
—Nina, in Ukraine

Portrait of Nina in the kitchen of her home in Ukraine.
Nina is a Kherson resident whose apartment building was damaged by an attack drone during the war in Ukraine. A drone flew by one night and hit the apartment next to hers. The IRC has distributed gas cylinders and installed gas stoves in her building.

We bring nearly a century of experience to crisis response

Whether it's revolutionizing malnutrition treatment, bringing education to conflict-affected children in the hardest-to-reach places, helping communities adapt to climate change through smart agriculture practices or supporting migrants with reliable information during their journeys to safety, we remain committed to being a solutions-driven NGO that creates lasting change across the world.

Watch this snapshot of the IRC's history—and find out how our legacy continues today.