In response to today's Quarterly Immigration Statistics, Laura Kyrke-Smith, Executive Director of the International Rescue Committee UK, says: 

“Today’s statistics show that Afghans make up the largest nationality of desperate individuals crossing the Channel. This reveals the government’s significant failure to provide swift and effective safe routes for the people of Afghanistan, with more Afghans arriving via dangerous journeys than through government schemes. 

Without functioning safe routes, desperate Afghans are continuing to risk life and limb to reach safety - despite the government reassuring the public and concerned MPs that safe routes would be expanded and claiming that the Illegal Migration Act would deter dangerous Channel crossings.

The continued high number of Afghans crossing, and yesterday’s tragic loss of life in the Channel, is a reminder that there will be more dangerous journeys and more unacceptable deaths, unless safe journeys are made possible for those who need them. The government must urgently expand safe routes - including by improving resettlement and family reunion schemes - and explore new routes, including a Refugee Visa.”