January 12, 2017 — In response to the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) review on the effects of DFID’s cash transfer programmes on poverty and vulnerability Radha Rajkotia, the International Rescue Committee’s Director of Economic Recovery & Development said:
“The IRC welcomes the ICAI review which recognises DFID’s successful cash transfer programming and the strong evidence base to support its efficiency and effectiveness.
At the IRC we know that cash relief is one of the best forms of aid for people struggling in times of crisis. That’s why we are committed to increasing our cash relief programing and are supportive of further investment in infrastructure and e-payment networks to ensure we do this effectively.
While there will always be some cases where in-kind aid is needed, when implemented well cash has consistently proven to be the most efficient, reliable and secure tool to reach those in need. Cash gives dignity to beneficiaries by empowering them to manage their own needs, as well as boosting local economies.
DFID is leading efforts to strengthen social safety nets that can be scaled up as part of a humanitarian response. This is helping scarce aid resources go further and reach the people who need it most, swiftly in the event of a humanitarian crisis.
We look forward to working with DFID to further strengthen this proven aid approach as we continue, as a sector, to build a humanitarian system capable of meeting the unprecedented need in today’s world.”