Our work
The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover and gain control of their future. In more than 40 countries and over 20 U.S. cities, our dedicated teams provide clean water, shelter, health care, education and empowerment support to refugees and displaced people. Here are highlights of our impact over a year:
In 2019, the IRC and our international programme partners:
- Provided 1,474,900 children with schooling and education opportunities.
- Admitted 122,100 children for nutrition treatment.
- Provided 9,700 individuals with business grants and provided Village Savings and Loan loans to 1,600 individuals starting new businesses.
- Provided vocational and livelihood support to 226,100 people.
- Reached 198,000 people who participated in awareness-raising sessions on governance-related topics, such as individual rights, conflict mitigation and local government hotlines.
- Trained 46,500 people on child protection, gender-based violence and protection principles, and service delivery.
- Reached 1,621,000 people through our efforts to raise awareness about human rights, protection and gender-based violence.
- Provided 1,756,800 people with clean water infrastructure.
- Provided direct hygiene information to 2,630,100 people while improving toilet facilities for 661,500 people.
- Provided dignity kits for basic hygiene, including items such as toiletries, buckets and clothing to 89,500 people.
- Helped 151,700 mothers deliver their newborns with the assistance of skilled health personnel.
- Reached 19,259,700 people with health education services and treatment for childhood illnesses to 418,000 children.
- Offered safe spaces to 165,700 women and children while reaching over 700,000 individuals through our violence protection programme.
In the United States in 2019, the IRC:
- Helped nearly 50,000 individuals from refugee and immigrant communities
- Resettled 7,627 refugees across the U.S.
- Offered nearly 15,000 men and women Economic Empowerment training to meet basic needs, increase income, build assets and establish careers.
- Provided over 6,000 young people in the U.S. academic achievement and social-emotional learning support.
Download the IRC's 2019 Annual Report.
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