The Guardian hosted IRC President David Miliband to discuss the global refugee crisis and what we can do about it.
David's new book, Rescue: Refugees and the Political Crisis of Our Time takes a look at what can and should be done to help refugees – not just by governments with the power to change policy, but by you - citizens with the urge to change lives.
Here's a quick look at what you need to know from this #GuardianLive event.
We are in the midst of a global refugee crisis
Hearing @DMiliband on the global #refugee crisis...international community a big step behind. We rescue refugees, we rescue ourselves #GuardianLivepic.twitter.com/5XdNG0XOz2
— Emma Wagner (@EWagner48) November 19, 2017
“We are in the midst of a global refugee crisis: 1 in every 110 have been forced from their homes” Says @DMiliband#guardianlive@IRCEuropepic.twitter.com/vqnZzwPhv2
— HannahPolly Williams (@hannah_polly) November 19, 2017
President Trump's policies on refugees cannot be underestimated
Families on the cusp of a safe life are having that pulled from underneath them. This comes despite the fact that refugees are amongst the most vetted populations to enter the US.
.@DMiliband on #Trump's cruelty to #refugees: the truth is it's harder to get to the US as a refugee than via any other route #guardianlive
— Melanie Ward (@melanie_ward) November 19, 2017
Other countries are setting an example
Ten countries - accounting for just 2.5% percent of the world's income between them - host more than half of the world's refugees. At a time when Europe is stepping back from helping those in need, we can look to countries like Uganda - who've taken over one million refugees from South Sudan - and are welcoming them.
#GuardianLive@IRCEurope@DMiliband: look to Uganda if you want to see a high standard on refugee welcome. Refugees, Ugandans see as their “brothers and sisters,” and they give them the tools to build and excel.
— Lucy Carrigan (@luckycardigan) November 19, 2017
"If you're a refugee in Uganda you get a plot of land... 95% didn't need any humanitarian aid" pic.twitter.com/WN4PKdzynl
— International Rescue Committee - Europe (@IRCEurope) November 19, 2017
Europe must do more to welcome refugees
Europe’s choice is either to have disorganised and in some cases deadly routes or organised, effective routes to safety for the most vulnerable. The UK government can set an example: by continuing to lead on overseas aid and by giving refugees a safe place to call home.
'The [now cancelled] UK commitment to take in Syrian refugees equated to six per constituency. No one can tell me that number would overwhelm. - @DMiliband at yesterday's #GuardianLivepic.twitter.com/xkqDq7twOM
— International Rescue Committee - Europe (@IRCEurope) November 20, 2017
Standing with refugees starts with you
In your community, your workplace, your home: now is the time to stand for compassion.
'We need to build projects together; make our homes together' ~ @DMiliband on the role we can play, strengthening bonds for refugees in their communities #GuardianLivepic.twitter.com/0IDmduIPjA
— Singa UK (@SingaUK) November 19, 2017
How can we move forward- 'It's all about the house we build together. Build institutions which brings <different> people together'@DMiliband#GuardianLive#DavidMiliband@IRCEurope@theIRC#change is needed
— Shehnaz Hansraj (@ShehnazinLondon) November 19, 2017
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We cannot let the #refugee crisis overwhelm us. We can all make a difference. Learn how on @DMiliband's book: https://t.co/dnN0SE9jtRpic.twitter.com/eXOJ0k1OFM
— International Rescue Committee - Europe (@IRCEurope) November 20, 2017