The DIRECT project (Develop coordInation with migRants to Enhance inClusion of Trafficked persons) aims to prevent human trafficking through solid cooperation with migrants and refugees and to promote the integration of third-country nationals who have been trafficked. The project is based on a solid partnership that brings together organisations from Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.  

Given the existing gaps in the prevention of trafficking in human beings and the access of trafficked persons to protection, rights and support services in EU Member States where the consortium organisations operate, the project aims to promote the early identification of trafficked persons and, at the same time, their socio-economic integration into the host societies.   

To achieve these goals, the partner organisations carry out the following activities as part of the project:  

  • Specific training on human trafficking for migrant-led Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and professionals in direct contact with (potentially) trafficked persons; 
  • Empowerment, soft skills and vocational training for trafficked persons aimed at socio-economic inclusion and long-term integration;
  • Awareness-raising campaigns for communities at risk of human trafficking to improve their understanding of the phenomenon and promote prevention.   

The project follows a participatory approach, where activities are not only aimed at third-country nationals, but are designed and developed together with groups, organisations and networks of migrants and refugees. DIRECT aims to give a voice to those affected by exploitation and human trafficking, to strengthen their ownership of the project results and to promote their empowerment.

Project details and partner organisations

Duration: 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2025



The project is designed and developed together with groups, organizations and networks of migrants and refugees.   


Trafficked persons are always informed about their options before making a decision. The support offered to trafficked persons as part of the project is tailored to their specific needs. As part of the project, IRC Germany will focus on further developing the Families Make the Difference approach by adapting it to the specific needs of third-country mothers who have experienced exploitation and trafficking.  


The partner organisations take the special needs of women and girls into account to a large extent and carry out an individual needs analysis in order to provide them with tailor-made support.   


Activities with children are carried out in their best interest, taking into account their rights and specific needs.  


The DIRECT project is being implemented in Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. 

Partner organisations

Associazione Iroko Onlus (Italy)  

Croce Rossa Italiana (Italy)  

Cruz Roja (Spain)  

FairWork (The Netherlands)  

Greek Council for Refugees (Greece)  

International Rescue Committee (IRC) (Germany and Italy)  

Rode Kruis (The Netherlands)  


Camilla Fabozzi
Program Manager


Ein lila Logo mit einer Blume darauf.
Strong together against human trafficking

The project aims to prevent human trafficking and integrate those affected through international cooperation.

Co-funded by the European Union
European Union

The DIRECT project is co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) (AMIF-2022-TF1-AG-THB).