The International Rescue Committee's "At a Glance" report presents a summary of the 2025 Emergency Watchlist. 

The 2025 Emergency Watchlist highlights the 20 countries most at risk of new or worsening emergencies. It describes “A World Out of Balance,” and how four deep-seated global imbalances reinforce each other to spark new crises, spur crises to spread, and undermine efforts to bring crises under control. The imbalances we see driving crises are: there is more conflict, yet less diplomacy; more attacks on civilians, yet fewer consequences; more carbon emissions, but less climate support; and more wealth accumulation, yet less poverty alleviation. 

The result is not only the growth of humanitarian needs globally, but also the concentration of these needs in the world’s most fragile contexts. Without urgent action to address the imbalances, even more people will be pushed into crisis.

Learn more by reading At a Glance: Watchlist 2025 and the full Emergency Watchlist report.