Ukrainian and international NGOs working on the gendered impacts of the war in Ukraine continue to call for all reconstruction and recovery processes to ensure the full, equal, meaningful and safe participation and leadership of diverse Ukrainian women and to put gender equality at the centre. The upcoming Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin (URC24), co-hosted by the Government of Ukraine and the Federal Government of Germany, should reflect this.

Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls (GEEWG) has received very little attention in the previous two Ukraine Recovery Conferences in Lugano in 2022 and in London in 2023. It has also been largely absent from the various recovery and reconstruction plans that have been formulated by donor governments and international organisations.

The full, equal, meaningful, safe and direct participation of diverse women, girls and marginalised groups in all decision-making processes, in line with the Government of Ukraine’s Women, Peace and Security National Action Plan until 2025, is key to formulating and delivering a recovery agenda that is equitable, inclusive and gender-responsive. Unless gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is deliberately made central to recovery processes now, systemic barriers facing women and girls and their organisations to meaningfully contribute to the humanitarian response (e.g. improving but still limited participation, difficulty to access quality funding for women’s rights and women-led organisations (WRO/WLO)) will be replicated in Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery process, deepening existing gender inequality. For example, funding from the Ukraine Community Recovery Fund, to date the only UN-administered fund for recovery of Ukraine, is only directly accessible for UN agencies.

We welcome the intentions of the URC24 co-hosts to broaden the participation of Ukrainian civil society, including WROs/WLOs, and to integrate gender perspectives throughout the conference, including through a dedicated panel on gender mainstreaming and women’s leadership at the conference itself, and not merely as a side event, and through the launch of the Alliance for Gender-responsive and Inclusive Recovery. Yet, more needs to be done to ensure that URC24 translates into concrete actions and ensure that gender equality is prioritised consistently and sustainably in the reconstruction and recovery process.

Recommendations for governments and international organisations:






ActionAid International

CARE International

Centre "Women's Perspectives"

Charity Foundation "Stabilization Support Services"

East SOS

International Rescue Committee


NGO Girls / ГО "Дівчата"

Oxfam International

Plan International

Public Organization "Avalyst"

Right to Protection