On Wednesday 29 March, eight major international solidarity organisations gathered around SOS MEDITERRANEE, which drew up an inventory of the operational, financial and political challenges faced by its teams that come to the aid of survivors.

While SOS MEDITERRANEE carries out vital rescue actions at sea and saves hundreds of human lives every year, its activity is too often hindered and unfairly penalised.

It was discussed how SOS MEDITERRANEE could be supported to continue its humanitarian work at sea.

Alongside SOS MEDITERRANEE, the NGOs present wish to reaffirm the need to maintain and intensify rescue operations at sea in the name of Maritime Law as well as International Humanitarian Law, and to work towards the recognition of this humanitarian space on the high seas.

  1. Action Contre la Faim (ACF)
  2. Comité Catholique Contre la Faim et pour le Développement (CCFD)
  3. International Rescue Comittee (IRC)
  4. Médecins du Monde (MDM)
  5. Mercy Corps
  6. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
  7. Solidarités International
  8. SOS Méditerranée